May. 11, 2023

DNA and Family

DNA and family are inextricably linked. But what are the ins and outs of the matter? We are happy to explain that to you in this blog.

DNA is genetic heritage

Genetic information is passed down from generation to generation . DNA can give us insights into the relationships between individuals. We can gain these insights through DNA testing . The best known test is probably the paternity test. This is used to determine with some certainty the biological father of a child.

Other tests can tell us about family ties you may not have known about, going back generations. You can also determine your ethnic background based on your DNA. Because DNA is passed on through many generations, they can see in your DNA in which regions your ancestors lived and where you originally came from .

Read more about the power of DNA in this blog

Why do I have blue eyes and my sibling doesn't?

A biological mother and father each pass on half of their genes to their children. There are two versions of each gene available. Which of the two is passed on is actually random. Therefore, siblings have similar but not identical DNA and express different characteristics.

We give the example of eye colors to illustrate this. In this example we have brown and blue eyes. Brown is represented as capital A and brown is dominant. Blue is represented as a lowercase letter a. Blue is recessive or non-dominant. A recessive trait is only expressed when the dominant allele is not present.

The mother has brown eyes and the code for the eye color gene looks like this: Aa. The father also has brown eyes and therefore genes with the code Aa. Because parents randomly pass on one of those two letters (an A or an a) and there are dominant characteristics, there is a percentage distribution about which eye color their child would have. We represent this visually in the box below.

A child of these parents has a 75% chance of brown eyes and a 25% chance of blue eyes.

And so siblings with the same parents can have different eye colors. This also applies to other external features.

X and Y chromosomes

So we can never say for sure what you inherited from your father and what from your mother. There is an exception to that rule and that concerns the sex of the child. Of the 23 pairs of chromosomes, 1 pair determines our sex. Women have XX and men XY chromosomes as the 23rd pair.

human chromosomes

You inherit your X chromosome from your mother anyway. Your father gives you an X or a Y. So your father determines your gender, even though this is of course not a conscious process.

So family is similar but not identical. So is your skin and it deserves 100% personalized skin care. Discover the full Nomige routine with DNA-based products below:

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