Jul. 23, 2020

Customization vs. Personalization

Suffering from choice stress? No worries, you're not the only one. We have a suspicion it's due to the overcrowded shelves with countless promises. You can't see the forest for the trees. And all we want is the best product without having to search too long. A dream that seems too good to be true, although personalisation might be the solution.



There is clearly a shift in the market and our buying behaviour is also changing. We are becoming more critical and do not immediately believe everything that is 'promised' to us. Words like 'customization' and 'personalization' are easily, and sometimes too quickly, put into our mouths. Although it is important to make a distinction between them.

Actually, it's best to compare it to a pair of ready-to-wear pants that you let the seamstress shorten a bit and a pair of pants that are fully custom-made. As you can read, with customization there is only an adjustment. Personalization, on the other hand, goes one step further.



Also companies in the beauty sector are not underperforming. More and more skincare brands are responding to the trend. You can create your own product range with Clinique ID or Smoet, although they are by no means the only ones who go down this road. Enough choice, or maybe just too much?

Skincare meets personalization

Nomige goes a little further than customization. Do you have dry skin because of your genes or lifestyle? Does your skin contain much or little collagen? These are all questions Nomige responds to with personalized products in order to optimize their effectiveness. Are you (like everyone else) striving for the best results? Then it's better to start from scratch, or rather: with a DNA analysis. Because your DNA is a rich source of information and your DNA does not lie.



Nomige offers an Exclusive package consisting of 4 personalized products. Three of them are based on your DNA profile in which we investigate which genes are involved in the skin aging process. We look at the risks (so-called 'mutations') that your DNA contains and respond to these during the formulation of your personalised products.

Lifestyle test

Besides the 3 'DNA blends', your package also contains a 'lifestyle blend' (read: day cream). Start your Nomige routine now and complete your DNA test to find out which lifestyle cream suits you best.

DNA test

The day serum, the night cream and the night serum are based on your DNA. After taking a DNA swab, which you will receive after ordering, you will find out what your DNA looks like. You will then receive your DNA report and personalised products.

The full Nomige package

Nomige knows exactly what your skin needs and offers you personalised skincare based on your DNA & LIFESTYLE.

A personalised Nomige package consists of 4 personalised products tailored to your skin's needs.

This also includes an extensive DNA analysis, 1-on-1 consultancy and a marble holder. Individual reorders are possible.

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